Welcome to The Hitching Post Tack Shop. Located in the heart of horse country in Middletown, KY, The Hitching Post has been serving the needs of equestrian riders since 1967. We offer a wide selection of english tack, riding apparel, horse clothing, grooming products, equestrian gifts, and everything else for you and your horse.
Customer Service:
We are dedicated to helping our customers find the right item for their wants and needs. We are available every day of the week to help answer your questions either in the store, over the phone, or through email. If you have any questions or concerns, please make sure to contact us.
Contact Information:
Customer Service #: 502-245-4672Customer Service Email: sales@hitchingposttack.com
Physical Address and Return Shipping Address:
The Hitching Post Tack Shop
11403 Main St
Middletown, KY 40243
Store Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
Sunday: Closed